Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Scenario: You've a writer & musician w/ 10 yrs of customer service, 1 yr public radio; ran PR for & hosted 2 local events recently; helped facilitate 1 fundraiser online this month. You're moving to London UK next month. Fastest way to find paid PR work?

Scenario: You've a writer & musician w/ 10 yrs of customer service, 1 yr public radio; ran PR for & hosted 2 local events recently; helped facilitate 1 fundraiser online this month. You're moving to London UK next month. Fastest way to find paid PR work?

Answer here

Friday, March 25, 2011

How much TV do you usually watch in a day?

The last time I even owned a TV, the Unabomber was still running around loose in Montana.

Go on, ask another - I dare you.
